a database on histological images of murine splenic germinal centers
T cells (CD3) 1
Proliferating cells (Ki-67)
FDC-network (FDC-M2)
Parameter Parameter description Calculation formula
D areat Total GC area [μm2]
D areat Total GC area [μm2]
D areaLZ Area of GC light zone [µm2]
D nKit Total number of Ki-67+ cells
D nKiLZ Number of Ki-67+ cells in GC light zone
D nTp+LZ Number of CD3+ Ki-67+ proliferating T cells in GC light zone
D nTp+DZ Number of CD3+ Ki-67+ proliferating T cells in GC light zone
D nTp-LZ Number of CD3+ Ki-67+ non-proliferating T cells in GC light zone
D nTp-DZ Number of CD3+ Ki-67+ non-proliferating T cells in GC light zone

d areaDZ Area of GC dark zone [µm2] = areat - areaLZ
d nKiDZ Number of Ki-67+ proliferating cells in GC dark zone = nKit - nKiLZ
d nTp+t Total number of CD3+ Ki-67 proliferating T cells = nTp+LZ + nTp+DZ
d nTp-t Total number of CD3+ Ki-67 non-proliferating T cells = nTp-LZ + nTp-DZ
d nTLZ, t Total number of CD3+ T cells in GC light zone = nTp+LZ + nTp-LZ
d nTDZ, t Total number of CD3+ T cells in GC dark zone = nTp+DZ + nTp-DZ
d nTt Total number of CD3+ T cells = nTLZ, t + nTDZ, t

D, direct quantity; d, derived quantity